Welcome to my Writing Page
Being an author has been so freeing for me and a wonderful way to find myself, do deep healing and explore myself and the stories in my head and heart.
Being an author has been so freeing for me and a wonderful way to find myself, do deep healing and explore myself and the stories in my head and heart.
My Published Works
After joining a writing program with a wonderful group of women in 2022, we all tapped into the deepest part of ourselves and pulled out a story that felt like a big, impactful life experience we have overcome.
My story is a deeply healing one of learning to take care of myself and find tools to add to my self-care toolbox while parenting 3 very young children.
It's one of learning compassion for myself through the big emotions of rage, fatigue, and exhaustion.
I have a very fiery and intense will with my bright Sun in an area of life that is seen easily in groups and communities. Aries is playful and energetic and loves to try new things. With it being in the 11th House, it also makes me quite rebellious for revolutionary changes and I'm always searching for ways to create a better place.
Just before the birth of my 5th baby, my first baby and I did an amazing project together.
We wrote and illustrated a book!
Our story is written from the perspective of my
oldest 3 children and their experience with their sister's birth and postpartum time in 2021.
This was a wonderful experience and I feel honored to put out a story that highlights homebirths, nursing and also explains all of the ways families can welcome babies.
Words are powerful and I enjoy playing with them and using them to teach, to share, to create connection and to heal. I hope you feel inspired to open up your own journal.
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Laura Lee Lotto - Alternative Wellness Services - All rights reserved