Who is Laura Lee?
That's a good question!
I have a gift for working with others, helping them to sense and feel the unity of life. I love to solve problems and to work for a great cause and purpose, as well as to be very sympathetic. I have a naturally compassionate understanding of people with the mind of a lawyer – always able to size up a problem and come up with a unique solution from a new perspective.
Diving in deeper...
Aries Sun in the 11th House
Gemini Moon in the 12th House
Gemini Rising
I have a very fiery and intense will with my bright Sun in an area of life that is seen easily in groups and communities. Aries is playful and energetic and loves to try new things. With it being in the 11th House, it also makes me quite rebellious for revolutionary changes and I'm always searching for ways to create a better place.
My Moon in Gemini along with the same Rising sign means I show up to others as a friendly and intellectual person who has a lot of information about a lot of various subjects. I especially enjoy and feel emotionally fulfilled by discussing feelings, working on healing, and helping others intellectually understand their own emotions.
My chart also shows my elemental make up and when I was born, there were no planets in any of the three Earth zodiac signs. Much of my chart is made of up the Air element with Fire being the next most dominant. This combo is major ENERGY. I love using this drive to learn and grow myself. to create, and help others.
My best-friend, business partner, and husband is one of the most amazing and grounded men that I am so thankful I can anker myself to. Phillip (aka: Pip) and I have been rockin’ life together since 1999 when we were in high school and did musicals and band together.
Our journey has had so many amazing ups and downs and all-arounds in the quarter century we have been together, and we have learned countless lessons along the way from our moves across the country to join the air force, fertility challenges, major mental and physical health struggles, and now being parents of 5 kids, homeschooling, and entrepreneures.
We both felt called to connect deeper with nature, and our lives evolved and unfolded into a holistic and organic path.
In 2012 that winding path lead us to buying our 35 acres in Northeast Wisconsin in the beautiful peninsula of Door County. We work to live as sustainably as we can while learning and growing along with our children.
Our relationship with each other and with the land has formed much of who I am and how I approach my clients’ healing journeys.
A Crazy & Beautiful Journey...
We were very young when we married, and we knew we wanted a family right away and started trying for one at age 21, but it wasn't meant to be that way for us. Our lesson was to wait... more than 5 1/2 years, to find patience, heal our bodies from the standard American diet which had, along with chemicals in our cleaning and skin-care products, which created a toxic buildup within us that caused major hormone imbalances. We had to wait for lots of other reasons as well... learning how to communicate and how to fight in a healthy way, for instance. We also got the opportunity to learn how to be a couple and endure hard times and difficulties. We are the better for it, but that doesn't take away the pain, tears, and deep suffering.
Even though we tried multiple rounds of fertility treatments unsuccessfully, and pursued adoption, again, unsuccessfully, our path forced us to work on finding balance inside ourselves, to eat differently, do health differently, process emotions differently... to live differently. Once we focused on those changes, on bringing balance and harmony to our lives, we used Traditional Chinese Medicine, chiropractic and surrendered... we found ourselves pregnant with our first child.
2 Decades Later...
Two weeks after turning 41, I found myself giving birth to my 5th baby I affectionately call Magic Baby, as he magically showed up without being invited to the party! Two weeks after his birth, our oldest child turned 14 years old. I have since been working on figuring out what life looks like with 5 children ages 15, 12, 10, 3 & 1. All with very unique and intense personalities. (This is where aromatherapy and astrology come in to play.) I essentially have two sets of children with a 7-year gap. I am learning what starting over looks like, and I am learning to parent in a different, more surrendered, and trusting way. The first 3 and I went through a lot together (see my chapter in Dare To Express) and I wouldn't change it for the world. AND, I am grateful to be able to give this parenting thing another go with these two younger kids.
I now have a unique parenting perspective of extremes that I use to help my clients who are parents. I know the intense yearning to become a parent for over 5 years for our first baby, and again, after many health challenges, we struggled for over 4 years to conceive our 4th child, Saffron. Without looking though, that Magic baby showed up and here I am, learning to deal with the energies of both wanting and then getting more when I didn't want and was preventing. It's a dichotomy for sure and something that is taking some time to heal and work through.
If there is anything I've found along this journey, it's that these little souls and us have a spiritual contract and lessons along with it, and no matter what we think we *want*, we can't change what our lessons are and the souls who are here to teach them.
Homeschooling is something we are passionate about and have done over a decade now.
Our version of homeschool is highly focused on allowing the child to lead by what their interest is. We then create an educational experience focused on that.
Learn more about our homeschooling journey and experiences below.
Birthing babies is something I hold a deep regard for and have had the privilege to be a part of 45 births as a midwife assistant. I value the empowering experience a woman goes through when she is in her home environment and trusts her surroundings, her partner and her midwife.
I had the honor of birthing my 5 babies all at home and all exactly the way I would have hoped and dreamed. It is truly a blessing for 5 wonderful, healthy pregnancies and births.
Since 2012, we have been actively growing our organic farm and homestead, The Aquarian Acres.
With a wide array of fruit trees and bushes in the ground and growing steadily, we will continue to grow our offerings and keep expanding what we can share with the community.
With disc golf, gardens, donkeys, chickens, produce, events and more, there is always something happening at the homestead.
Holistic Living
Holistic living is how our family has solved MANY health problems. As a certified aromatherapist, I have utilized the power of plants to deal with emotional struggles, physical issues, hormone imbalances, spiritual openings, and even relationship challenges. Teaching others how to work holistic healing practices into their lives is one of my favorite things to do. It brings me so much joy to share how amazing life can be when we are free of pain and inflammation.
My Wishes & Hopes
I wish for a society where we embrace the energies we don't see with our eyes, but feel within us, and guiding us.
I wish for a society that learns to love, support, and cherish everyone's unique make-up.
I wish for everyone I have the privilege to work with to fully love and accept themselves and their skills, talents, and gifts.
I hope that astrology and aromatherapy will become largely recognized forms of help, support, and therapy for humans to use.
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Laura Lee Lotto - Alternative Wellness Services - All rights reserved